Risk Management

The Board of Directors granted approval to the risk management policy in 2020, establishing it as Nestron's primary directive for managing risks. Nestron conducts annual assessments to evaluate risks and develops a comprehensive policy encompassing goals, organizational framework, allocation of authority and accountability, as well as procedures for efficiently identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks. This policy aims to ensure effective risk control and maintain business activities within acceptable risk thresholds.

Risk Categories

Nestron promises to integrate and manage all potential risks such as strategies, operations, finance, and hazards that may affect operations and profits proactively and cost-effectively, through the establishment of Enterprise Risk Management, Nestron aims to provide appropriate risk management for all stakeholders, assess the frequency of risk events and the severity of the impact on operations with the Risk MAP, define risk priorities and risk levels, and adopt corresponding strategies according to risk levels.

Our risk management includes "strategic risk";, "operational risk"; "financial risk", "hazard risk; and "risk of climate change and non-compliance with environmental and climate-related regulations and other international regulatory agreements"

Risk Assessment

Adhering to the principle of materiality in corporate social responsibility, Nestron conducts comprehensive risk assessments on significant issues and formulates relevant risk management policies or strategies in response to the identified risks.

Three Dimensions Ten themes 37 Key ESG Issues
Environment Climate Change Carbon emissions, product carbon footprint, environmental finance, and climate change vulnerability
Natural Resources Water scarcity, raw material procurement, biodiversity, and land use planning
Pollution and Waste Toxic emissions, electronic waste, packaging waste material
Environmental Opportunities Opportunities for clean technology, renewable energy utilization, and green building
Social Human Capital Labor management, occupational safety and health, human capital development, labor standards in the supply chain
Product Responsibility Product quality and safety, data privacy and security, chemical safety, responsible investment, financial product safety, health and population risks
Stakeholder Dissent Toxic emissions and waste, electronic waste, packaging materials and waste
Social Opportunity Labor management, occupational safety and health, human capital development, labor standards in the supply chain
Governance Corporate Governance Toxic emissions and waste, electronic waste, packaging materials and waste
Corporate Behavior Labor management, occupational safety and health, human capital development, labor standards in the supply chain

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