Climate Change Mitigation and Management

We assess our business operations for climate change risks and develop a strategic plan to manage these risks. This includes estimating the financial impact and implementing measures to address climate change issues.

Climate Change Adaptation and Management

Risk Categories Identification Impact on Operations Management Measures
Physical Related Equipment damage Weather disasters interrupt operations, causing service disruptions to information maintenance hosts and physical branches. Enhance emergency power supply and backups for information systems, and implement preemptive measures for physical branches.
Transformation Customer Default Climate change affects customers, leading to credit defaults. Weekly review of customer accounts for abnormalities and prompt communication.
Higher raw material costs Rising costs of bulk commodity raw materials due to climate change impact operating expenses. Monitor raw materal price fluctuations.
Control of GHG emissions The overall temperature rise caused by climate change indirectly burdens the company's air conditioning equipment. Plan equipment replacement during company-wide maintenance, considering carbon emissions and equipment efficiency.
Control of GHG emissions Policy Incentives When replacing equipment, seek energy-saving subsidies based on government policies. Review government policies and apply for subsidies with relevant data.
Market-Related New business opportunities Demand exists for low-carbon and eco-friendly products like electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, and unmanned stores Continuously increasing the proportion of eco-friendly industries in line with low-carbon and green energy trends.

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