GHG Inventory and Energy Management

Strategies, methods, and goals for GHG management.

A. Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation and GHG Management :
  1. Establish an energy management system (ISO 50001) to continuously improve performance through monitoring, measurement, analysis, and corrective actions.
  2. Implement comprehensive ESG education and training for all employees to promote a culture of resource conservation.
  3. Comply with energy and environmental regulations and laws.
  4. Manage energy efficiency and mitigate environmental pollution to reduce waste generation. Publicly disclose policies on energy, environment, and GHG management, and actively engage stakeholders in promoting energy and environmental concepts.
  5. Plan for carbon footprint certification of products to mitigate global warming.
  6. Establish a dedicated regulatory unit to monitor and assess domestic and international energy policies and trends in GHG emissions reduction regulations.
B. Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets:

Our company aims to become an environmentally friendly enterprise with low pollution and low energy consumption. After obtaining ISO 14001-1 certification, we will use the baseline emissions data from that year and target an annual reduction rate of 0.5% for electricity consumption, which is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.

C. Budget and Plans for Reducing GHG Emissions:
  1. Optimize energy usage by adopting energy-efficient lighting, air conditioning, production equipment, and process parameter adjustments.
  2. Subsidize or encourage employees to adopt low-carbon vehicles.
  3. Import low-carbon raw material suppliers.
  4. Pursue relevant certifications and plan for internal education and training continuously.
  5. Implement electronic processes to reduce paper waste.
  6. Encourage employees to minimize elevator usage.
The Carbon Reduction Effects of Our Products/ Services on Customers/ Consumers:
  1. Strive towards providing environmentally friendly products in product design, developing low- energy consumption product solutions to achieve carbon reduction.
  2. Suppliers are required to provide parts, components, materials, finished products, and packaging materials that can minimize the impact of climate change in the initial design phase.
  3. Avoid excessive packaging of products and reduce the use of additional packaging materials.
  4. Engage in the new green energy industry to assist customers in developing and supporting solutions for new green energy products.
  5. Certify the carbon footprint of a single product to increase international competitiveness.

Annual Implementation

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Environmental Aspects Data/Scope for the Year 2021
Direct GHG Emissions (Scope 1) (metric tons of CO2e) 15.4140 - Parent Company (Scope 1)
Indirect Energy-Related (Scope 2) (metric tons of CO2e) 213.6540 - Parent Company (Scope 2)
Other Indirect (Scope 3) (metric tons of CO2e) Not available yet, unable to obtain information from upstream and downstream suppliers
GHG Emission Intensity (metric tons of CO2e/revenue 0.0004 - Scope 1 + Scope 2
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Renewable Energy Usage Rate Improving Energy Efficiency Policy on the Use of Renewable Materials
None, no use of renewable energy. Continue to pay attention to energy-related regulations and obtain ISO 50001 certification to comply. Actively develop and design related products and look for a supply chain with relevant capabilities.

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